February 2021

Ethos Endurance Forums Gate 9 Running Crew February 2021


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    • #747

      February 2, 2021

      Congrats to everyone completing the strength challenge. I hope you became stronger and met your personal challenge.

      For tomorrow:
      3-5x (Long hill mod-hard/Easy recovery back to the start)

      No Easy Way!

    • #750

      Thanks so much Sue for the strength training challenge. I’m so much stronger than before. It was so easy to follow & helped a lot!!

    • #751

      The challenge was great! Thanks for setting it up. I did every day even though I forgot to log about half of the days. Whoops!

    • #752

      Fantastic and congrats to both of you. If possible keep it rolling. Especially when the weather is challenging outdoors. In February, I will roll M/W/F upper body and T/Th Lower/Core. No easy way!

    • #756

      Thanks for setting up the challenge! I really benefited even though I missed a lot of days (my logging was far worse than my lifting). I missed a lot more leg days than arm days so I probably need to reevaluate whether it makes sense for me to adhere to the rule of doing legs after running, and just try to do things when I can, with the knowledge that I will have plenty of days off.

      • #757

        Given your kids and a Pandemic, I am amazed at all you are doing now!

    • #758

      February 4, 2021

      In addition to Pepe Le Peu and our herd of rabbits, G9 has a new mascot! Lindsay had a face to face meeting with a fox on the hill by the baseball stadium. Now we just need a bobcat sighting!

      For tomorrow:
      3 Laps of G9 Mod Hard/2’ Easy
      2 Laps of G9 Mod Hard/2’ Easy
      1 Lap of G9 Mod Hard/2’ Easy

      -Need more? Push the uphills and resume Mod Hard pace on the downhills.

      -Need less? Start at 2!

      No easy way.

    • #760

      February 9, 2021

      SNOW! I am unsure if G9 will be plowed in the am. If you choose to show up, your running options may be limited. With that in mind, two choices:

      Run the parking rows with every other row fast.


      3-5x Repeats of the long hill.

      Please be safe and make good choices.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by saquila.
    • #764

      Snow update. G9 has a loop plowed but it will be slow running. Temps aren’t bad and it is very pretty.

    • #767

      February 11, 2021

      When the going gets tough, the tough keep running. G9 was in excellent condition this morning but no guarantees for tomorrow. Please adjust your workout/pace as appropriate to the conditions.

      (1.5 Laps of G9 at a Steady pace with Mod-hard up the G9 hill/.5 lap Easy back to the start)

      No Easy Way!

    • #769

      February 16, 2020

      Oh the weather outside is frightful! No G9 tomorrow as the roads and windchill will be dangerous plus G9 will most likely be unplowed.

      You could wait until later in the day to roll this session or do it on a treadmill if you have it. If neither option is available, consider stair repeats in your house or going for a snowy hike later in the day. If you have a bike on your turbo, you can roll one of the workouts below. Lots of options. No easy way!

      If you are outdoors:
      10x (30” Build to fast/60” Easy)

      If you are on a treadmill:
      10x (30” Fast at 3-6% Grade/Step off and rest on the rails for 30”). Finish with 5’ flat and fast. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SAFETY STRAP.

    • #771

      February 18, 2021
      Expect some more snow and cold temps in the am. Good day for some long hill work! See you in the AM. No easy way!

      Pyramid on the long G9 hill. Build to fast on the uphills and easy return to the start:
      -First stop sign
      -Second stop sign
      -Top of hill by the baseball/softball stadium
      -Second stop sign
      -First stop sign

      Need more? Add 1-3 miles at steady to moderate pace.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by saquila.
    • #773

      I just arrived to G9 and conditions are very poor. It has snowed more than expected on top of our previous snow. The hardest part is parking as the area has not been cleared and I don’t want anyone to get stuck. Sorry!

    • #774

      February 23, 2021

      The cold snap has finally ended! Might be balmy enough for shorts ????!

      For tomorrow:
      6-8x (1’ Fast/2’ Easy)
      4x (30” Fast Up G9 hill/Easy return to the start)

      No easy way!

    • #777

      These are great workouts on the bike too!

    • #778

      February 25, 2021

      For tomorrow 15’ to 30’ as:

      Laps of G9 steady to mod-hard pace. When you make the turn up the G9 hill, increase your pace until the turn by the football stadium. So, if you are running G9 steady, increase the pace on the G9 hill to mod-hard and stay mod-hard until the turn by the football stadium. At that point, resume your steady pace. The ability to be strong up and over hills can make a huge difference when we race against others. Most athletes will back off at the top of the hill. We stay strong up and over.

      No easy way!

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