Stretches for Hips and IT Band

Ethos Endurance Forums Gate 9 Running Crew Stretches for Hips and IT Band


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    • #209

      I like this stretch quite a bit to open up your hips: Tactical Frog

      Also, 2-3 times a week add 3 x 10 sets hip bridges. You may want to start with one set the first week and add a set each week until you hit the 3 x 10 goal.

      Great series of stretches for your IT band here.

      You may want to incorporate some Monster Walks. I also like keeping the band on and doing some lateral steps too.

      Reminder that a little goes a long way. Don’t be the injured athlete that aggravates their niggle or injury with too much stretching!

    • #211

      Thank you!!!

    • #225

      I’ve been doing monster walks wrong… good to know.

    • #229

      I’ve been struggling with ITB/hip-flexor/something-not-quite-right on one side. I think I still need to mostly avoid stretching, but I’ve tried some hip bridges, lateral steps, and monster walks. When the IT band was definitely flaring up, I tried following the ITB rehab routine from , and it worked well as a quick fix, but I don’t think it addresses the underlying issues. More recently I have been the MYRTL routine.

    • #230

      Good info. Try the tactical frog stretch. I find it helps me when I get a niggle that may be hip related.

    • #302
      Greek Goddess

      @Katie I can tell you from personal experience that pregnancy may have thrown off your hips and you may have to be realigned. I struggled with that for a while and it manifested in piriformis and glut issues. Have you seen a PT for some baseline functional mobility testing?

      • #303

        I definitely have something out of alignment and the major reason I haven’t seen anyone for it is the problem with my neck is worse ???? (also baby-related). I need to make that happen!

    • #310

      Ask and you shall receive! Special thanks to our G9RC member Liz Demoss for sharing her work with her Mom, Mary, and us.

      October Core

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