2/8 Treadmill Run

Ethos Endurance Forums Gate 9 Running Crew 2/8 Treadmill Run


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    • #933

      Temps with windchill will be dangerously cold tomorrow. Please consider this alternative. And if you don’t have access to a treadmill, this can be modified to perform on a bike or rowing machine. To mimic incline change your damper settings or bike gearing.

      10′ starting at one mph below your easy pace. Add .5 mph every 2’30”
      5′ starting at one mph below your easy pace. Every 1′ increase your grade/incline by 1%
      5′ starting at one mph below your easy pace and 0% incline
      3-5x: (3′ Fast but controlled/3′ at 1 mph below your easy pace all at 0% If you are running faster than 7 minutes per mile, please increase incline to 1-2%)

      Please use a fan to cool yourself down; it allows you to feel better and run faster. ALWAYS wear your safety strap. Remember that treadmill speed is usually wrong. Run by feel and heart rate to be where you need to be. No easy way!

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by saquila.
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