November 2020

Ethos Endurance Forums Gate 9 Running Crew November 2020


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  • Author
    • #369

      November 3, 2020

      Hope everyone’s recovering well! For tomorrow we ease back into it with some social running.

      Meet at 6:10am for our physical distance jog!

      20-30’ Easy

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by saquila.
    • #375

      November 5, 2020

      Warmer temps tomorrow. Meet at 6:10 am. Two choices:

      20-40’ Easy


      2-6 loops of G9 with the sections perpendicular to Dunn as build pace as you feel.

    • #379

      November 10, 2020

      Last warm weather running tomorrow morning. Meet at 6:10am if you would like some physical distance company.

      2-5x (Steady long uphills from our start to the top of the IU Baseball stadium hill/Easy jog back to the start)

      No easy way!

    • #381

      November 12, 2020

      Great turnout Tuesday! 6:10am for physical distance running:

      6-10x: (Lap of G9/Jog easy to top or bottom of G9)

      -Pacing is your choice!

      No easy way.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by saquila.
    • #385

      November 17, 2020

      Hope everyone is doing well. Meet tomorrow at 6:10 am at the base of the IU Baseball stairs.

      We will do 10’ of assorted stair climbs based on your current fitness. More info when we gather. Finish with 20’ of running at marathon pace or steady.

      No easy way!

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by saquila.
    • #393

      November 19, 2020

      A bit warmer tomorrow but expect some wind.

      2-4x (4’ Steady/3’ Mod-hard/2’ Fast/1’ Easy)

      Or you can pace as Marathon pace/Half Marathon Pace/10K-5K pace. No easy way!

    • #400

      November 24, 2020

      Reminder our “fun” Frostbite Series 3K run will be at Gate 9 on Thursday at 7:30am!

      2-5x (Steady long uphills from our start to the top of the IU Baseball stadium hill/Easy jog back to the start)

      No easy way!

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by saquila.
    • #419

      November 26, 2020

      The first race in our Frostbite series starts tomorrow with the 3K! 7:30am start at G9. If you need a pre-race warm up, please check the Forum for our thread. Go get your race. No easy way!

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by saquila.
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